Tuesday, November 29, 2011

1st post and not sure what to say....

So this is my little personal area that I'm writing up all my random thoughts, adventures at job searching, and attempting to be a Susie Homemaker. The Susie aspect is actually more humorous. Let's start on with that, shall we?

Well my soon to be mother in law provided me with a used antique like mixer thing. You know, the one you have a giant bowl and it actually makes things for you and you can walk away from it....kinda. So in my extreme excitement of being able to try this mixer, I hunted down recipes to make from scratch. I figured, well Max on 2 Broke Girls uses it to make cupcakes, I'll start there. So I did.

Step one:  Making Cupcakes.
I found this lovely cake recipe and it seemed easy enough. I made sure to follow the directions and some of the tried by others notes. Okay, so majority says -Mix longer to make cake less dense. Cool beans, I can handle that. I make it and it looks lovely! Wooo, Score point for me. Success on making home made cupcakes.

Step two: Making frosting.
I hunted and hunted till I found an easy recipe for this. Simple enough, calls for confectioner's sugar (got it), butter (got that), vanillia (yuppers), and milk (course I got milk). I then plop the butter into the mixer and cream that and follow the Very SIMPLE directions. In the process of mixing and using the mixer on Frosting Level. Hello, I'm making frosting. One would think to use the frosting level of the mixer...Right? Right? Yeah, not so brilliant, or maybe I needed another bowl. Because, don't you know, I had creamed sugar butter flying out of the bowl at high velocity speeds. I was covered, there was some on the walls, oh crap it even got on the Keurig. Now I've made a wicked mess. I clean it up and try again with a different speed. Yup same results, I ended up wearing most of it.

Now keep in mind, I'm not a kitchen person. I hate cooking with a passion, but I'm so bored I'm trying it to basically entertain myself. And as my daughter witnessed as she was doing her homework at the kitchen table, my swearing and jumping and trying to stop projectiles of creamed sugar butter from flying. End result was, I screwed it up and didn't call for help cause I'm too damned stubborn and if someone else comes into the kitchen, I won't do anything. So the frosting was an epic fail and looked more like curdled milk then frosting.

So I have unfrosted cupcakes, a few with remnants of Betty Crocker's brand left in my pantry, and a newer appreciation of high speed mixing and butter.

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