Tuesday, November 29, 2011

No panko, not enough pasta, wtf!

Well, tonight I had a rough go at starting dinner. I had thawed out 2 big chicken breasts. I was thinking all day, what could be made with them. I started thinking; This is pretty cool. Being in charge of cooking, I get to control the menu! I got a hankering for fried chicken and mac and cheese. Of course with trying to lose a few pounds for the wedding, I (with the help of a friend on facebook who reminded me) hunted on this lovely site called Skinnytaste.com. I have used a few of the recipes and they are easy and yummy.

I was psyched to find baked chicken nuggets! I got the recipe all ready. Continue searching and wooo'ed at the computer for finding a diet version of baked mac and cheese. Yup, totally thinking I can sneak this one. Both are simple and if I get them prepped before the man comes home, he will never know!

I start chopping the chicken and I get my daughter to help. She is witnessing my "ew ew ew ew ew" sound effects from touching raw meat. She tells me to stop it's just meat. I stop what I'm doing to have her help me with the bread crumbs and panko. I open the cabinets, seeking, searching, looking, not finding....

Shit! Serious?! There is no panko to be found! What the hell am I to do! That killed that idea, then as I search I find out I don't have nearly enough pasta to make baked mac. This is soooo not cool and I cannot fathom what to make with half chopped chicken and lack of items.

Then I remember! I have this!
Yes, I in all my shopping glory at Roche Brothers a few weeks back found this amazing packet in the ethnic aisle. I only bought it cause it says easy on it. I swear it called my name and told me how I can make this. Almost like that movie god talking "If you make it, they will come." Only it was, "If you make it, it might taste good." I figured it was a 50/50 shot of success in my hands. Hell for a dollar, I'll buy it. If anything I can convince the man to cook it.

I follow the 5 step directions. Step 1 is very easy. Flour, ziplock bag, and coat the chicken. I am loving how these steps are broken down so that my 3 year old neice could understand and complete. This is my level of cooking! I dump the flour covered chicken goop into the hot oil and start thinking of the mall knock off Japanese food place and how the gridle has the nasty mush that magically transforms into chicken. Yup, I had that totally going on in my fry pan. I start thinking how this isn't looking good.

By the time I got to Step 5, my fry pan had a mystical moment and transformed into something that actually resembled food.

Okay, kind of resembled food. The sauce took a few minutes to thicken up, but the chicken no longer looks like the mush I started with. At this moment the man walks in the door and smiles that I am cooking, and it smells like food, and the kitchen is still in one piece. I then put the meal on the plate. I call this "Success on a Plate". Seems appropriate, no?

All in all, it actually tasted darn good. A little spicy, but I love spice. The man ate 3 helpings. I am amazed with myself and I made a dinner, All by myself! And it tasted good! Yeah, I am totally doing a happy dance.

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